A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 


ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an app to access approximate location.
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an app to access precise location.
ADD_VOICEMAIL - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to add voicemails into the system.
addRuntimeListener(CoronaRuntimeListener) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Adds a listener for receiving events from the CoronaRuntime.
ADSREQUEST_TYPE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic ads request name key.
ApplicationContextProvider - Class in com.ansca.corona
Provides access to the application context.
ApplicationContextProvider(android.content.Context) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.ApplicationContextProvider
Creates a new provider which will return the application context from the given context.
available() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Gets the number of decompressed bytes of the zip file's entry.


BODY_SENSORS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to access data from sensors that the user uses to measure what is happening inside his/her body, such as heart rate.
build() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Generates a unique file name for the directory that you provided to the setDirectory() method.


CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for runtime permissions related to user's calendar.
call(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Calls a Lua function.
CALL_PHONE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call.
CAMERA - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Required to be able to access the camera device.
CAMERA - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for permissions that are associated with accessing camera or capturing images/video from the device.
checkArg(int, boolean, String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if a condition is true for the specified function argument.
checkBoolean(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a boolean.
checkBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a boolean.
checkByteArray(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a string or a number.
checkByteArray(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a string or a number.
checkInteger(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a number or a string convertible to a number.
checkInteger(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a number or a string convertible to a number.
checkJavaObject(int, Class<T>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is convertible to a Java object of the specified type.
checkJavaObject(int, Class<T>, T) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is convertible to a Java object of the specified type.
checkNumber(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a number or a string convertible to a number.
checkNumber(int, double) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a number or a string convertible to a number.
checkOption(int, String[]) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a string or a number matching one of the specified options.
checkOption(int, String[], String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a string or a number matching one of the specified options.
checkString(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a string or a number.
checkString(int, String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is a string or a number.
checkType(int, LuaType) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Checks if the value of the specified function argument is of the specified type.
close() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Closes the input stream to the zip file.
close() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Closes this Lua state and releases all resources.
com.naef.jnlua - package com.naef.jnlua
Provides the JNLua core types, such as the Lua state class and the core interfaces.
concat(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Concatenates the specified number values on top of the stack and replaces them with the concatenated value.
CONFIGURATION_ERROR - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic configuration key.
CONTACTS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for runtime permissions related to contacts and profiles on this device.
Converter - Interface in com.naef.jnlua
Converts between Lua values and Java objects.
convertJavaObject(LuaState, Object) - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.Converter
Converts a Java object to a Lua value and pushes that value on the stack.
convertJavaObject(LuaState, Object) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.DefaultConverter
convertLuaValue(LuaState, int, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.Converter
Converts a Lua value to a Java object of the specified formal type.
convertLuaValue(LuaState, int, Class<T>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.DefaultConverter
copyFile(String, String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Copies the given file to the given destination safely without exceptions.
copyFile(File, File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Copies the given file to the given destination safely without exceptions.
CoronaEnvironment - Class in com.ansca.corona
Provides simple methods for launching and accessing a CoronaActivity as well as setting up listeners for receiving events from the CoronaRuntime.
CoronaLua - Class in com.ansca.corona
Provides a set of convenience functions for use with the LuaState.
CoronaLua() - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
CoronaLuaEvent - Class in com.ansca.corona
CoronaLuaEvent.java contains generic property keys used in Corona events dispatched to Lua.
CoronaLuaEvent() - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
CoronaRuntime - Class in com.ansca.corona
Provides access to a running Corona project and its LuaState.
CoronaRuntimeListener - Interface in com.ansca.corona
Receives events from the CoronaRuntime to detect when it is loaded, started, suspended, etc.
CoronaRuntimeTask - Interface in com.ansca.corona
Represents a single task to be executed by the CoronaRuntime, just before it renders a frame.
CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher - Class in com.ansca.corona
Allows you to send tasks to be executed on the CoronaRuntime's thread, just before Corona renders a frame.
CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher(CoronaRuntime) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher
Creates a new dispatcher which will send tasks to the given CoronaRuntime.
CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher(LuaState) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher
Creates a new dispatcher which will send tasks to the CoronaRuntime that owns the given LuaState.
CoronaView - Class in com.ansca.corona
The view the that will display the Corona content.
CoronaView(Context) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
CoronaView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
CoronaView.CoronaEventListener - Interface in com.ansca.corona
The object that will be called when an event is sent from lua to a CoronaView.
CoronaView.SendEventListener - Interface in com.ansca.corona
The callback from calls to sendEvent().
createContentUriForFile(android.content.Context, File) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Creates a "content://" URI for the given file making it accessible to other applications via this provider.
createContentUriForFile(android.content.Context, String) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Creates a "content://" URI for the given file making it accessible to other applications via this provider.


DefaultConverter - Class in com.naef.jnlua
Default implementation of the Converter interface.
DefaultJavaReflector - Class in com.naef.jnlua
Default implementation of the JavaReflector interface.
delete(android.net.Uri, String, String[]) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Handles a delete request from a client.
deleteRef(LuaState, int) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Release the Java-side reference to a Lua value, which would otherwise prevent the Lua value from being garbage collected.
destroy() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Deinitializes the CoronaView and releases the resources associated with the CoronaView.
dispatchEvent(LuaState, int, int) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Dispatches an event by invoking the listener corresponding to listenerRef passing the value at the top of the stack as the Corona event table.
dispatchRuntimeEvent(LuaState, int) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Dispatches the event at the top of the lua stack to the global Runtime object.
displayText() - Method in enum com.naef.jnlua.LuaType
Returns the display text of this Lua type.
doesAssetFileExist(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Determines if the given file exists in the application's assets directory or in its expansion files.
doesResourceFileExist(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Determines if the given file exists in the application's resource directory
dump(OutputStream) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Dumps the function on top of the stack as a pre-compiled binary chunk into an output stream.


ENVIRONINDEX - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Environment pseudo-index.
equal(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the values at two specified stack indexes are equal according to Lua semantics.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaStackTraceElement
ERRORTYPE_KEY - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic error type key.
executeUsing(CoronaRuntime) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeTask
Called by the CoronaRuntime just before it renders a frame.
extractAssetFile(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Extracts the given asset file to an external directory to make it available to native C/C++ APIs that do not have access to this application's assets directory within the APK or its expansion files.
extractAssetFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Extracts the given asset file to an external directory to make it available to native C/C++ APIs that do not have access to this application's assets directory within the APK or its expansion files.
extractAssetFile(File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Extracts the given asset file to an external directory to make it available to native C/C++ APIs that do not have access to this application's assets directory within the APK or its expansion files.
extractAssetFile(File, boolean) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Extracts the given asset file to an external directory to make it available to native C/C++ APIs that do not have access to this application's assets directory within the APK or its expansion files.


FileContentProvider - Class in com.ansca.corona.storage
This provider allows other applications read-only access to this application's files under its private directory under internal storage, as well as its asset files within the APK's "assets" directory or within Google Play expansion files.
FileContentProvider() - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
FileServices - Class in com.ansca.corona.storage
Provides easy seamless access to files that are external to the application, files within the APK's "assets" directory, and files within Google Play expansion files.
FileServices(android.content.Context) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Creates an object that provides easy access to the file system and this application's internal files in the APK's asset files and Google Play expansion files.
findAllPermissionsInManifestForGroup(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Searches the AndroidManifest.xml for all permissions within the desired permission group.
findPermissionInManifestForGroup(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Searches the AndroidManifest.xml for a permission within the desired permission group.
from(HashMap<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Extracts the PermissionsSettings from a Corona Hashtable.


gc(LuaState.GcAction, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Performs a garbage collection operation.
GET_ACCOUNTS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.
getApplicationContext() - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.ApplicationContextProvider
Gets this application's context.
getApplicationContext() - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Provides easy access to this application's context.
getApplicationName() - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Provides easy access to the application's name that is displayed to the end user.
getAssetFileLocation(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Determines where the given asset file can be found.
getBytesFromFile(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Fetches all bytes from the given file.
getBytesFromFile(File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Fetches all bytes from the given file.
getCachesDirectory(android.content.Context) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Gets the path to Corona's caches directory.
getCause() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaError
Returns the cause.
getClassLoader() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the class loader of this Lua state.
getConverter() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the converter of this Lua state.
getCoronaActivity() - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Gets a reference to the currently active CoronaActivity.
getDirectory() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Gets the directory this builder will generate a unique file name in.
getDocumentsDirectory(android.content.Context) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Gets the path to Corona's documents directory.
getExpansionFileDirectory() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Gets the directory where this application's "main" and "patch" expansion files are supposed to reside in.
getExtensionFrom(File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Extracts the extension from the given file.
getExtensionFrom(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Extracts the extension from the given file name.
getFEnv(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes on the stack the environment table of the value at the specified index.
getField(int, String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes on the stack the value indexed by the specified string key in the table at the specified index.
getFileExtension() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Gets the file extension to be appended to the file name.
getFileNameFormat() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Gets the file name format string that this builder will use to generate a unique file name.
getFunctionName() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaStackTraceElement
Returns the name of the function containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
getGlobal(String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes the value of a global variable on the stack.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.naef.jnlua.DefaultConverter
Returns the instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.naef.jnlua.DefaultJavaReflector
Returns the instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.naef.jnlua.JavaModule
Returns the instance of the Java module.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.naef.jnlua.NativeSupport
Returns the instance.
getJavaReflector() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the Java reflector of this Lua state.
getLineNumber() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaStackTraceElement
Returns the line number in the source containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
getListener() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
getLoader() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.NativeSupport
Return the native library loader.
getLuaErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Gets the custom Lua error handler that was given to the CoronaEnvironment.setLuaErrorHandler() method.
getLuaStackTrace() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaError
Returns the Lua stack trace.
getLuaStackTrace() - Method in exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException
Returns the Lua stack trace of this runtime exception.
getLuaState() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntime
Gets the LuaState object that the Corona project's code runs in.
getLuaState() - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.LuaValueProxy
Returns the Lua state of this proxy.
getMainExpansionFile() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Gets the path and file name of this application's "main" expansion file.
getMessage() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaError
Returns the message.
getMetafield(int, String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes on the stack the value of the named field in the metatable of the value at the specified index and returns true.
getMetamethod(JavaReflector.Metamethod) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.DefaultJavaReflector
getMetamethod(JavaReflector.Metamethod) - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.JavaReflector
Returns the metamethod implementation of this Java reflector for the specified metamethod.
getMetamethod(Object, JavaReflector.Metamethod) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns a metamethod for a specified object.
getMetamethodName() - Method in enum com.naef.jnlua.JavaReflector.Metamethod
Returns the Lua metamethod name.
getMetatable(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes on the stack the metatable of the value at the specified index.
getMimeTypeFrom(android.net.Uri) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Handles requests for the MIME type of the data at the given URI.
getName() - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.NamedJavaFunction
Returns the name of this Java function.
getObject() - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.TypedJavaObject
Returns the object.
getPAAppPermissionNameFromAndroidPermission(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Gets the Platform-Agnostic App Permission name for the given Android permission.
getPAAppPermissionNameFromPermissionGroup(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Gets the Platform-Agnostic App Permission name for the given Permission Group name.
getPackageState(String, int) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.PackageServices
Gets the state of the provided package on the device.
getPatchExpansionFile() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Gets the path and file name of this application's "patch" expansion file.
getPermissionGroupFromPAAppPermissionName(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Gets the Permission Group name for the given Platform-Agnostic App Permission name.
getPermissionGroupFromPermission(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Gets the permission group for the desired permission.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Gets a collection of permissions that will be requested.
getPermissionStateFor(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Determines the current state of the desired permission and returns it.
getPermissionStateForSupportedGroup(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Determines the current state of the desired permission group supported by Corona and returns it.
getProxy(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns a proxy object for the Lua value at the specified index.
getProxy(int, Class<T>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns a proxy object implementing the specified interface in Lua.
getProxy(int, Class<?>[]) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns a proxy object implementing the specified list of interfaces in Lua.
getRationaleDescription() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
getRationaleTitle() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
getRequestedPermissions() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Grabs all the requested permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml.
getRequestedPermissionsInState(PermissionState) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Gets all the requested permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml in the desired state.
getRequestedPermissionsInStateForGroup(PermissionState, String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Gets all the requested permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml in the desired state for the desired Permission Group.
getSettingsRedirectDescription() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
getSettingsRedirectTitle() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
getSettingsToBeServiced() - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
getSourceName() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaStackTraceElement
Returns the name of the source containing the execution point represented by this this stack trace element.
getSupportedPermissionGroups() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Returns a String array of all dangerous-level permissions groups supported by Corona.
getTable(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes on the stack the value indexed by the key on top of the stack in the table at the specified index.
getTaskDispatcher() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntime
Returns the CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher used by this CoronaRuntime.
getTemporaryDirectory(android.content.Context) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Gets the path to Corona's temporary directory.
getTop() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the number of values on the stack.
getType(android.net.Uri) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Fetches the mime type of the file that the given URI references.
getType() - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.TypedJavaObject
Returns the type.
getTypeDistance(LuaState, int, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.Converter
Returns the type distance between a Lua value and a formal Java type.
getTypeDistance(LuaState, int, Class<?>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.DefaultConverter
getUrgency() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
getValue() - Method in enum com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionState
Returns the constant value of the desired PermissionState.
GLOBALSINDEX - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Globals pseudo-index.


hashCode() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaStackTraceElement


init() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Initalizes the CoronaView so that it can be used.
init(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Initalizes the CoronaView so that it can be used.
insert(android.net.Uri, android.content.ContentValues) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Handles an insert request from a client.
insert(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pops the value on top of the stack inserting it at the specified index and moving up elements above that index.
invoke(LuaState) - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.JavaFunction
Invokes this Java function.
isAssetFile(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Determines if the given path\file name is an asset file inside of the APK or expansion file.
isBoolean(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a boolean.
isCFunction(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a C function.
ISERROR_KEY - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic error key.
isFunction(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a function (either a C function, a Java function or a Lua function.)
isJavaFunction(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a Java function.
isJavaObject(int, Class<?>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is convertible to a Java object of the specified type.
isJavaObjectRaw(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a Java object.
isListener(LuaState, int, String) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Returns whether the function at index is a Corona listener.
isNil(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is nil.
isNone(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is undefined.
isNoneOrNil(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is undefined or nil.
isNumber(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a number or a string convertible to a number.
isOpen() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether this Lua state is open.
isPAAppPermissionName(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Determines if this name corresponds to the name of a Platform-Agnostic App Permission.
isPackageNameInstalled(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.PackageServices
Determines if the given application exists on the device.
isPartOfPAAppPermission(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Determines if this Android permission is part of a Platform-Agnostic App Permission.
isPermissionInManifest(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Determines if the desired Android permission is in the AndroidManifest.xml.
isRunning() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntime
Determines if the CoronaRuntime is currently running its project.
isRuntimeAvailable() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher
Determines if the targeted CoronaRuntime is still available for this dispatcher to send tasks to.
isRuntimeUnavailable() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher
Determines if the targeted CoronaRuntime is permanently unavailable, meaning that this dispatcher no longer has a CoronaRuntime to send tasks to.
isString(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a string or a number (which is always convertible to a string.)
isStrong() - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.TypedJavaObject
Returns whether this is a strong typed Java object.
isSupportedPermissionGroupName(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Determines if this name corresponds to the name of a dangerous-level Android Permission Group supported by Corona.
isTable(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a table.
isThread(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether the value at the specified stack index is a thread.
ISVERIFIED_KEY - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic verification key.


JAVA_STACK_TRACE_HEADER_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaError
Header used by the toString() method to denote a Java exception stack trace.
JavaFunction - Interface in com.naef.jnlua
Provides a Lua function implemented in Java.
JavaModule - Class in com.naef.jnlua
Provides the Java module for Lua.
JavaReflector - Interface in com.naef.jnlua
Reflects Java objects for access from Lua.
JavaReflector.Metamethod - Enum in com.naef.jnlua
Lua metamethod.


length(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the length of the value at the specified stack index.
lessThan(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns whether a value at a first stack index is less than the value at a second stack index according to Lua semantics.
LICENSE_REQUEST_TYPE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic license type key.
load(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Loads a Lua chunk from an input stream and pushes it on the stack as a function.
load(String, String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Loads a Lua chunk from a string and pushes it on the stack as a function.
load() - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.NativeSupport.Loader
loadExpansionFiles() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Loads this application's expansion files for fast access.
LOCATION - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for permissions that allow accessing the device location.
LUA_VERSION - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
The Lua version.
LuaError - Class in com.naef.jnlua
Contains information about a Lua error condition.
LuaError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.naef.jnlua.LuaError
Creates a new instance.
LuaException - Exception in com.naef.jnlua
Abstract base class for Lua error conditions.
LuaException(String) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaException
Creates a new instance.
LuaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaException
Creates a new instance.
LuaException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaException
Creates a new instance.
LuaMemoryAllocationException - Exception in com.naef.jnlua
Indicates a Lua memory allocation error.
LuaMemoryAllocationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaMemoryAllocationException
Creates a new instance.
LuaMemoryAllocationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaMemoryAllocationException
Creates a new instance.
LuaMessageHandlerException - Exception in com.naef.jnlua
Indicates a Lua message handler error.
LuaMessageHandlerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaMessageHandlerException
Creates a new instance.
LuaMessageHandlerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaMessageHandlerException
Creates a new instance.
LuaRuntimeException - Exception in com.naef.jnlua
Indicates a Lua runtime error.
LuaRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException
Creates a new instance.
LuaRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException
Creates a new instance.
LuaRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException
Creates a new instance.
LuaStackTraceElement - Class in com.naef.jnlua
Represents an execution point in a Lua stack trace.
LuaStackTraceElement(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.naef.jnlua.LuaStackTraceElement
Creates a new instance.
LuaState - Class in com.naef.jnlua
JNLua core class representing a Lua instance.
LuaState() - Constructor for class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Creates a new instance.
LuaState(long) - Constructor for class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Creates a new instance.
LuaState.GcAction - Enum in com.naef.jnlua
Represents a Lua garbage collector action.
LuaState.Library - Enum in com.naef.jnlua
Represents a Lua library.
LuaSyntaxException - Exception in com.naef.jnlua
Indicates a Lua syntax error.
LuaSyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaSyntaxException
Creates a new instance.
LuaSyntaxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaSyntaxException
Creates a new instance.
LuaType - Enum in com.naef.jnlua
Represents a Lua type.
LuaValueProxy - Interface in com.naef.jnlua
Provides proxy access to a Lua value from Java.


mark(int) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Sets a mark position in this input stream.
markAsServiced() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Puts this PermissionsSettings object in the "serviced" state.
markSupported() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Determines if this input stream supports the mark() and reset() methods.
MICROPHONE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for permissions that are associated with accessing microphone audio from the device.
moveFile(File, File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Moves the given file to the given destination safely without exceptions.
MULTRET - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Multiple returns pseudo return value count.


NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic name key.
NamedJavaFunction - Interface in com.naef.jnlua
Provides a named Java function.
NativeSupport - Class in com.naef.jnlua
Loads the JNLua native library.
NativeSupport.Loader - Interface in com.naef.jnlua
Loads the library.
needsService() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Returns whether this PermissionsSettings object needs service.
NETWORK_ERROR - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic network key.
newEvent(LuaState, String) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Creates a Corona event with the name property set to eventName.
newRef(LuaState, int) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Creates a Java-side reference to a Lua object on the Lua stack at index.
newTable() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Creates a new table and pushes it on the stack.
newTable(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Creates a new table with pre-allocated space for a number of array elements and record elements and pushes it on the stack.
newThread() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pops the start function of a new Lua thread from the stack and creates the new thread with that start function.
next(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pops a key from the stack and pushes on the stack the next key and its value in the table at the specified index.
NOREF - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Used to mark a references as invalid.
normalize(LuaState, int) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Returns an absolute index location on the Lua stack for the passed index.


onCreate() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Called on application startup if registered in the "AndroidManifest.xml" file.
onExiting(CoronaRuntime) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeListener
Called just before the CoronaRuntime terminates.
onLoaded(CoronaRuntime) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeListener
Called after the CoronaRuntime has been created and just before executing the "main.lua" file.
onReceivedCoronaEvent(CoronaView, Hashtable<Object, Object>) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaView.CoronaEventListener
Method thats called when an event is sent from lua.
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Hook allowing a view to re-apply a representation of its internal state that had previously been generated by onSaveInstanceState().
onResumed(CoronaRuntime) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeListener
Called just after the CoronaRuntime has been resumed after a suspend.
onSaveInstanceState() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Hook allowing a view to generate a representation of its internal state that can later be used to create a new instance with that same state.
onStarted(CoronaRuntime) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeListener
Called just after the CoronaRuntime has executed the "main.lua" file.
onSuspended(CoronaRuntime) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeListener
Called just after the CoronaRuntime has been suspended which pauses all rendering, audio, timers, and other Corona related operations.
open(LuaState) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.JavaModule
Opens this module in a Lua state.
openAssetFile(android.net.Uri, String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Handles a client request to open a file belonging to this application via a file descriptor.
openAssetFileDescriptorFor(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Safely opens a file via an AssetFileDescriptor without exceptions.
openAssetFileDescriptorFor(File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Safely opens a file via an AssetFileDescriptor without exceptions.
openFile(android.net.Uri, String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Handles a client request to open a file belonging to this application.
openFile(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Safely opens an input stream to the given file without exceptions.
openFile(File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Safely opens an input stream to the given file without exceptions.
openLib(LuaState.Library) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Opens the specified library in this Lua state.
openLibs() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Opens the Lua standard libraries and the JNLua Java module in this Lua state.


PackageServices - Class in com.ansca.corona.storage
Provides easy access to information about various packages installed on an Android device.
PackageServices(android.content.Context) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.storage.PackageServices
Creates an object that provides easy access to the packages on an Android device.
PackageState - Enum in com.ansca.corona.storage
Enum giving the state of a package on an Android device.
pause() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Pauses the CoronaView, stopping rendering.
PermissionsServices - Class in com.ansca.corona.permissions
Provides methods and fields used to easily work with Android permissions, both in the AndroidManifest.xml, and at runtime on Android 6 and above devices.
PermissionsServices(android.content.Context) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Creates an object that provides easy access to the application's permissions.
PermissionsServices.Permission - Class in com.ansca.corona.permissions
API Level independent constants for dangerous Android permissions supported by Corona, sorted by permission groups.
PermissionsServices.Permission() - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup - Class in com.ansca.corona.permissions
API Level independent constants for supported permission-group names.
PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup() - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
PermissionsSettings - Class in com.ansca.corona.permissions
Stores Permissions configuration options such as which permissions to request, why they're needed, how important they are to the app, etc.
PermissionsSettings() - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Creates an object for storing Permissions settings.
PermissionsSettings(String) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Creates an object for storing Permissions settings.
PermissionsSettings(String, int) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
PermissionsSettings(String, int, PermissionUrgency) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
PermissionsSettings(String[]) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Creates an object for storing Permissions settings.
PermissionsSettings(String[], int) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
PermissionsSettings(String[], int, PermissionUrgency) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
PermissionsSettings(LinkedHashSet<String>) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Creates an object for storing Permissions settings.
PermissionsSettings(LinkedHashSet<String>, int) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
PermissionsSettings(LinkedHashSet<String>, int, PermissionUrgency) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
PermissionState - Enum in com.ansca.corona.permissions
Enum depicting all possible states a permission can be in.
PHONE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for permissions that are associated telephony features.
pop(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pops values from the stack.
printLuaStackTrace() - Method in exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException
Prints this exception and its Lua stack trace to the standard error stream.
printLuaStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException
Prints this exception and its Lua stack trace to the specified print stream.
printLuaStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception com.naef.jnlua.LuaRuntimeException
Prints this exception and its Lua stack trace to the specified print writer.
PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to see the number being dialed during an outgoing call with the option to redirect the call to a different number or abort the call altogether.
PROVIDER_KEY - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic provider key.
pushBoolean(boolean) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a boolean value on the stack.
pushHashtable(LuaState, Hashtable<Object, Object>) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Pushes a lua table with the values in the Hashtable onto the top of the lua stack.
pushInteger(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes an integer value as a number value on the stack.
pushJavaFunction(JavaFunction) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a Java function on the stack.
pushJavaObject(Object) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a Java object on the stack with conversion.
pushJavaObjectRaw(Object) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a Java object on the stack.
pushNil() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a nil value on the stack.
pushNumber(double) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a number value on the stack.
pushString(String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a string value on the stack.
pushString(byte[]) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a byte array as a string value on the stack.
pushString(byte[], int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes a byte array as a string value on the stack.
pushValue(LuaState, Object) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Pushes the Object onto the top of the lua stack.
pushValue(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Pushes the value at the specified index on top of the stack.
pushValue() - Method in interface com.naef.jnlua.LuaValueProxy
Pushes the proxied Lua value on the stack of the Lua state.


query(android.net.Uri, String[], String, String[], String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Handles query requests from clients.


rawEqual(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Bypassing metatable logic, returns whether the values at two specified stack indexes are equal according to Lua semantics.
rawGet(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Bypassing metatable logic, pushes on the stack the value indexed by the key on top of the stack in the table at the specified index.
rawGet(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Bypassing metatable logic, pushes on the stack the value indexed by the specified integer key in the table at the specified index.
rawSet(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Bypassing metatable logic, sets the value on top of the stack in the table at the specified index using the value on the second highest stack position as the key.
rawSet(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Bypassing metatable logic, sets the value on top of the stack in the table at the specified index using the specified integer key.
read() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Reads a single byte from this stream.
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Reads as many bytes from the source that will fill the given array.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Reads at most the number of bytes specified by "length" from the stream to the given buffer.
READ_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.
READ_CALL_LOG - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to read the user's call log.
READ_CELL_BROADCASTS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to read previously received cell broadcast messages and to register a content observer to get notifications when a cell broadcast has been received and added to the database.
READ_CONTACTS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to read from external storage.
READ_PHONE_STATE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows read only access to phone state.
READ_SMS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to read SMS messages.
RECEIVE_MMS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages.
RECEIVE_SMS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to receive SMS messages.
RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to receive WAP push messages.
RECORD_AUDIO - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to record audio.
ref(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Stores the value on top of the stack in the table at the specified index and returns the integer key of the value in that table as a reference.
REFNIL - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Returned when LuaState.ref(int) is called on a nil value.
register(NamedJavaFunction) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Registers a named Java function as a global variable.
register(String, NamedJavaFunction[]) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Registers a module and pushes the module on the stack.
REGISTRYINDEX - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Registry pseudo-index.
remove(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Removes the value at the specified stack index moving down elements above that index.
removeRuntimeListener(CoronaRuntimeListener) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Removes the given listener that was added via the addRuntimeListener() method.
replace(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Replaces the value at the specified index with the value popped from the top of the stack.
requestAllDeniedPermissionsInGroup(String, com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity.OnRequestPermissionsResultHandler) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Requests all permissions that are currently denied in the desired permission group.
requestPermissions(PermissionsSettings, com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity.OnRequestPermissionsResultHandler) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Requests the desired permissions, gathering data about which permissions are requested.
reset() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Resets this stream to the last marked location.
resetServiceStatus() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Puts this PermissionsSettings object in the "needs service" state.
RESPONSE_KEY - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLuaEvent
Generic response key.
resume() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Starts rendering the CoronaView.
resume(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Resumes the thread at the specified stack index, popping the specified number of arguments from the top of the stack and passing them to the resumed thread.


send(CoronaRuntimeTask) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntimeTaskDispatcher
Sends the given task to the CoronaRuntime to be executed just before it renders a frame.
SEND_SMS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to send SMS messages.
sendEvent(Hashtable<Object, Object>) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Dispatches the given hash table as a Lua runtime event, to be received by Lua listeners that have been registered via the Runtime:addEventListener() function.
sendEvent(Hashtable<Object, Object>, CoronaView.SendEventListener) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Dispatches the given hash table as a Lua runtime event, to be received by Lua listeners that have been registered via the Runtime:addEventListener() function.
sendEventResult(Object) - Method in interface com.ansca.corona.CoronaView.SendEventListener
Method thats called when we get a return value from sendEvent().
SENSORS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for permissions that are associated with accessing camera or capturing images/video from the device.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the class loader of this Lua state.
setConverter(Converter) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the converter of this Lua state.
setCoronaEventListener(CoronaView.CoronaEventListener) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Registers a CoronaEventListener to be called when coronaView events are fired from lua.
setDirectory(File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Sets the directory to generate a unique file name in.
setFEnv(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the value on top of the stack as the environment table of the value at the specified index.
setField(int, String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the value on top of the stack in the table at the specified index using the specified string key.
setFileExtension(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Sets the file extension to be appended to the file name.
setFileNameFormat(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Sets the file name format string to be used to genearte a unique file name.
setGlobal(String) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the value on top of the stack as a global variable and pops the value from the stack.
setJavaReflector(JavaReflector) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the Java reflector of this Lua state.
setListener(int) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
setLoader(NativeSupport.Loader) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.NativeSupport
Sets the native library loader.
setLuaErrorHandler(JavaFunction) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Sets a custom handler for Lua errors, such as syntax or runtime errors.
setMainExpansionFileName(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Sets the name of the "main" expansion file to be loaded.
setMetatable(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the value on top of the stack as the metatable of the value at the specified index.
setOnKeyListener(View.OnKeyListener) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Register a callback to be invoked when a hardware key is pressed in this CoronaView.
setPatchExpansionFileName(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Sets the name of the "patch" expansion file to be loaded.
setPermissions(LinkedHashSet<String>) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
Sets the collection of permissions to be requested.
setRationaleDescription(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
setRationaleTitle(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
setSettingsRedirectDescription(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
setSettingsRedirectTitle(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
setTable(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the value on top of the stack in the table at the specified index using the value on the second highest stack position as the key.
setTop(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Sets the specified index as the new top of the stack.
setUrgency(PermissionUrgency) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsSettings
setZOrderMediaOverlay(boolean) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaView
Control whether the GLSurfaceView's surface is placed on top of another regular SurfaceView in the Window (but still behind the Window itself).
shouldNeverAskAgain(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Determines if the user has requested the desired permission never be asked for again.
showCoronaActivity(android.content.Context) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaEnvironment
Displays the CoronaActivity window on screen.
showPermissionGroupMissingFromManifestAlert(String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Displays a native alert stating that the AndroidManifest.xml doesn't contain any permissions from the desired permission group.
showPermissionMissingFromManifestAlert(String, String) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices
Displays a native alert stating that this permission is missing from the AndroidManifest.xml.
skip(long) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Skips the given number of bytes in the stream.
SMS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for runtime permissions related to user's SMS messages.
status(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the status of the thread at the specified stack index.
STORAGE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.PermissionGroup
Used for runtime permissions related to the shared external storage.


tableMove(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Moves the specified number of sequential elements in a table used as an array from one index to another.
tableSize(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Counts the number of entries in a table.
toBoolean(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the boolean representation of the value at the specified stack index.
toByteArray(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the byte array representation of the value at the specified stack index.
toHashtable(LuaState, int) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Creates a Hashtable from a lua table at the specified index on the lua stack.
toInteger(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the integer representation of the value at the specified stack index.
toJavaFunction(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the Java function of the value at the specified stack index.
toJavaObject(int, Class<T>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns a Java object of the specified type representing the value at the specified stack index.
toJavaObjectRaw(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the Java object of the value at the specified stack index.
toNumber(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the number representation of the value at the specified stack index.
toPointer(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the pointer representation of the value at the specified stack index.
toString() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaError
toString() - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaStackTraceElement
toString(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the string representation of the value at the specified stack index.
toTable(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.JavaModule
Returns a table-like Lua value for the specified map.
toTable(List<?>) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.JavaModule
Returns a table-like Lua value for the specified list.
toValue(LuaState, int) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaLua
Returns an Object for the item at the specified index.
tryOpen(String, String) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Safely opens an input stream to the given zip file entry without exceptions.
tryOpen(File, String) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Safely opens an input stream to the given zip file entry without exceptions.
tryOpen(ZipFile, String) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Safely opens an input stream to the given zip file entry without exceptions.
type(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the type of the value at the specified stack index.
TypedJavaObject - Interface in com.naef.jnlua
Represents a Java object with an explicit type.
typeName(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Returns the name of the type at the specified stack index.


UniqueFileNameBuilder - Class in com.ansca.corona.storage
Generates a unique file name in a given directory.
UniqueFileNameBuilder() - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.storage.UniqueFileNameBuilder
Create a new file name builder object.
unref(int, int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Removes a previously created reference from the table at the specified index.
update(android.net.Uri, android.content.ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Handles an update request from a client.
USE_SIP - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to use SIP service.


validateManifest(android.content.Context) - Static method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileContentProvider
Checks if the AndroidManifest.xml file is correctly configured for this provider.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ansca.corona.storage.PackageState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.JavaReflector.Metamethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.LuaState.GcAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.LuaState.Library
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.LuaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ansca.corona.storage.PackageState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.JavaReflector.Metamethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.LuaState.GcAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.LuaState.Library
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.naef.jnlua.LuaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
The JNLua version.


wasDisposed() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntime
Determines if the CoronaRuntime has been disposed of, meaning it was destroyed and can no longer be used.
wasNotDisposed() - Method in class com.ansca.corona.CoronaRuntime
Determines if the CoronaRuntime is still available and has not been destroyed yet, which occurs on exit.
WRITE_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to write the user's calendar data.
WRITE_CALL_LOG - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to write (but not read) the user's contacts data.
WRITE_CONTACTS - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to write the user's contacts data.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Static variable in class com.ansca.corona.permissions.PermissionsServices.Permission
Allows an application to write to external storage.
writeToFile(InputStream, File) - Method in class com.ansca.corona.storage.FileServices
Writes the given input stream's bytes to the destination file safely without exceptions.


YIELD - Static variable in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Status indicating that a thread is suspended.
yield(int) - Method in class com.naef.jnlua.LuaState
Yields the running thread, popping the specified number of values from the top of the stack and passing them as return values to the thread which has resumed the running thread.


ZipFileEntryInputStream - Class in com.ansca.corona.storage
Stream used to read decompressed data from one entry within a zip file.
ZipFileEntryInputStream(String, String) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Creates a new input stream for reading decompressed data from one entry within a zip file.
ZipFileEntryInputStream(File, String) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Creates a new input stream for reading decompressed data from one entry within a zip file.
ZipFileEntryInputStream(ZipFile, String) - Constructor for class com.ansca.corona.storage.ZipFileEntryInputStream
Creates a new input stream for reading decompressed data from one entry within a zip file.