Corona Enterprise — Setup/Preparation

This guide will help you install/activate Corona Enterprise as well as understand the Enterprise project structure.


Corona Enterprise makes several assumptions about your local development environment. Whether you already have a native development environment, or are jumping into Corona Enterprise without native development experience, we recommend you follow the steps in our Enterprise setup guides. These will allow you to configure your native development environment in a way that's very friendly to Corona Enterprise.

Installing / Upgrading

Installation and activation is simple. You will need to complete just three basic steps:

  1. Copy the CoronaEnterprise folder to /Applications.

  2. Purchase a Corona Enterprise subscription to activate the product. Contact our sales team for more information.

  3. Activate the product by typing the following, where email and password are associated with the Enterprise account subscription:

/Applications/CoronaEnterprise/Corona/mac/bin/ authorize email password

This will activate the computer to use Corona Enterprise. Every account is allowed one computer.


If you wish to update to a new Enterprise daily build, simply overwrite the old CoronaEnterprise directory with the new one.


If you wish to activate Corona Enterprise on a different computer for the same account, you must first deactivate the original computer before activating Enterprise on another one (or purchase additional subscriptions). Type the following to deactivate the computer, where where email and password are associated with the Enterprise account subscription:

/Applications/CoronaEnterprise/Corona/mac/bin/ deauthorize email password

Custom Install Directory

The default installation location is assumed to be /Applications/CoronaEnterprise, but you can customize this location on a per-target platform basis:

  • For iOS projects, there is a symlink in the ios folder called CoronaEnterprise that points to /Applications/CoronaEnterprise by default. You can change this to the custom install location for Corona Enterprise.
  • For Android projects using Android Studio, there is a symlink in the android folder called CoronaEnterprise that points to /Applications/CoronaEnterprise by default. You can change this to the custom install location for Corona Enterprise.
  • For Android Ant-based projects, you must call the script with two parameters. The first is the path to the Android SDK (by default this is the ANDROID_SDK environment variable). The second is the path to CoronaEnterprise (by default this is /Applications/CoronaEnterprise).

Project Templates

New projects can easily be created by using project templates as a starting point. In the CoronaEnterprise/ProjectTemplates folder, the App folder contains standard template projects for creating new apps. Inside there are three top-level directories:

  • Unlike projects built via Corona SDK, Corona Enterprise builds generally do not use the build.settings file, so you must configure settings manually in your project. The only exception is iOS builds which can optionally honor the orientation table as outlined here.

  • Because build.settings is generally ignored, plugins specified within the plugins table are not automatically loaded. You must obtain plugin(s) from the daily builds page by selecting the Corona Enterprise tab and downloading the latest plugin package, for example CoronaEnterprisePlugins.2016.2949.tgz.