Type library Keywords ads, advertising, AdBuddiz Platforms iOS, Android
The AdBuddiz plugin allows for easy integration of AdBuddiz premium full-screen ads in your application.
To use the AdBuddiz service, please sign up for an account.
local adbuddiz = require( "plugin.adbuddiz" )
To use this plugin, add an entry into the plugins
table of build.settings
. When added, the build server will integrate the plugin during the build phase.
settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.adbuddiz"] = { publisherId = "com.adbuddiz" }, }, }
-- This simple example displays AdBuddiz ads (interstitial + rewarded video) on request display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) local adbuddiz = require( "plugin.adbuddiz" ) local widget = require( "widget" ) adbuddiz.setLogLevel( "Info" ) -- Log level adbuddiz.setAndroidPublisherKey( "TEST_PUBLISHER_KEY" ) -- Replace with your Android app publisher key adbuddiz.setIOSPublisherKey( "TEST_PUBLISHER_KEY" ) -- Replace with your iOS app publisher key adbuddiz.setTestModeActive() -- Delete before submitting to store adbuddiz.cacheAds() -- Start caching ads local function interstitial_showAdClick() adbuddiz.showAd() end local showAdButton = widget.newButton { left = 20, top = 20, width = 120, height = 40, label = "Show Ad", onRelease = interstitial_showAdClick } local function rewardedVideo_fetchClick() adbuddiz.RewardedVideo_fetch() end local fetchButton = widget.newButton { left = 20, top = 80, width = 120, height = 40, label = "Fetch", onRelease = rewardedVideo_fetchClick } local function rewardedVideo_ShowClick() adbuddiz.RewardedVideo_show() end local showButton = widget.newButton { left = 160, top = 80, width = 120, height = 40, label = "Show", onRelease = rewardedVideo_ShowClick } -- Events (interstitial) local function listener( event ) if event.value == "didCacheAd" then print( "didCacheAd" ) end if event.value == "didShowAd" then print( "didShowAd" ) end if event.value == "didClick" then print( "didClick" ) end if event.value == "didHideAd" then print( "didHideAd" ) end if event.value == "didFailToShowAd" then print( "didFailToShowAd - " .. event.detail ) end end Runtime:addEventListener( "AdBuddizEvent", listener ) -- Events (rewarded video) local function listenerRewardedVideo( event ) if event.value == "didFetch" then print( "didFetch" ) end if event.value == "didComplete" then print( "didComplete" ) -- Reward user here end if event.value == "didNotComplete" then print( "didNotComplete" ) end if event.value == "didFail" then print( "didFail - " .. event.detail ) end end Runtime:addEventListener( "AdBuddizRewardedVideoEvent", listenerRewardedVideo )
More support is available from the AdBuddiz team: